
For such a time ...

I recently completed Beth Moore's Esther Bible Study -- it has been a great study, and I recommend it if you're looking for a study. I wanted to share a quick thought ...

I have always loved the study of Esther, her character, her willingness, and obedience. Most famously referenced from this book is Esther 4:14 "... And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this." I always thought circumstances in our lives could be looked at in hind-sight for "such a time as this" and see what lessons I learned, how God was speaking, or why I was put in such a position.

In the midst of Chapter 8 Esther has asked the King for him to spare the Jews and she wants him to reverse the decree Haman previously gave to destroy the Jews, which would include Esther and her beloved uncle Mordecai. King Xerxes tells Ester he has already given her Haman's estate and hanged Haman on the gallows, she can write the new decree and seal it with his signet ring.

In the study, Beth talks about how we are always looking for someone to be the perfect person for us, a hero, to be "gift" from God in our lives if you will. Someone who will never let us down. 1 Samuel 8:19-20 is about the Israelites wanting a King to lead them, someone to fight their battles. They got what they wanted, but it came w/ consequences. Beth writes "Humans are adept at finding ways to make what we want seem all about God. He not only sees the desires of our hearts, but He also looks straight into the heart of our desires and knows when we're asking - even accidentally - for a false Christ".

Esther was waiting for her husband, King Xerxes, to be her hero. To reverse the decree, to stand up for what is right, to take action, when instead he turned it right back to her - write what seems best to you, seal it with my signet ring, and it will stand. Most of us know, Esther was called, for such a time as this, to stand up and do what God called her for. No one else was going to do it. I often times wait to see who or what else will fill the calling I have been called to, instead of stepping up to it myself. The reasons for that are too numerous, but oftentimes something seems to hold me back.

I distinctly remember Lisa Beamer speaking and referencing "for such a time as this" from Esther when Flight 93 went down on September 11, 2001, killing her husband Todd. What seemed to the world to be perfect: a loving husband, great marriage, family, children, and baby on the way, was ripped away from her. However, she stood tall and strong, heroic even to me, for such a time as this, and demonstrated, who was her true hero, sustainer, comfort, peace, and restorer of joy.

"God is jealous for our true enduring hero to be His own Son." He lets others be disappointment to us, let us down, not deliver, not fulfill, and leave us empty for us to awaken and realize the only hero who will will never disappoint, never let us down, always deliver, and always leave us fulfilled, is Christ. This isn't about a romantic love -- it's any relationship, position, title, service, ministry, money, or otherwise that we put hope in, or want to be our hero.

We are each called for such a time as this. No one else or thing can be or accomplish what each of us are called to do. We need to examine our hearts to know the desires and to be challenged that those desires are not seeking to replace, or be, Christ in our lives, instead of responding to the calling for each of us at this time.


Beth Moore - "Esther" - available through Lifeway Bookstores

1 comment:

{oc cottage} said...

For such a time as this...I just love those words.

m ^..^